kumo's space

a personal digital haven

create or be consumed

in this new age of the internet, it's now more important than ever that independent teams and individuals create and express themselves. the web is becoming more and more corporate and samey every day. in the age of generative ai, companies turn to software to 'create' 'art' to decrease expenditures. we are all in service to our corporate overlords, even the government. money is what makes the world go round.

the greatest act of rebellion that one can accomplish is to exist, create, and take up space in a world that desperately wants you to sit down and stay quiet. ceos would have you believe that this is for the best, that the world has to be this way because it's 'the only thing that works.' but your voice is a powerful thing. use it. even if you show no one what you make, you are speaking out and voicing your own unique thoughts. and that is something to be celebrated.

needless to say, creating art and other types of content is very meaningful to me. and it's not only for professional artists, writers, and programmers. i find it incredibly hard to imagine a life without creativity. pick up a pencil, open vscode. you may just surprise yourself.


i'm an artist who loves to draw all kinds of characters! this often manifests in the form of fanart, but i also really enjoy creating original characters (both completely original and fandom-related), as well as adopting pre-existing characters.

